Pebble Tracker
Pebble Tracker is a first-of-its-kind Blockchain + IoT dev-board that was built in partnership with Nordic Semiconductor, a global IoT enterprise. Equipped with a TEE and multiple sensors (GPS, climate, motion, light), Pebble Tracker captures/signs data from the real world and converts it into verifiable, blockchain-ready data. This verifiably trustworthy data can be used to mint digital assets, trigger actions via smart contracts, train machine learning models, create crowdsourced indices, and more.

A system is only as secure as its weakest link. Our motivation for building Pebble Tracker was to combine tamper-proof hardware (TEE) and tamper-proof software (blockchain) to redefine who, what, and why we trust. By pairing the integrity of secure hardware with the immutability of blockchain, IoTeX is establishing a new paradigm for end-to-end trust. We began building Pebble Tracker v1 in 2020 and made several iterations to the hardware/firmware for Pebble Tracker v2, which is now available for sale on CrowdSupply.

Pebble Tracker captures/signs a variety of real-world data (GPS location, temperature, humidity, air quality, air pressure, motion, light) that can be verified and therefore trusted, by anyone. Pebble does this by capturing and cryptographically signing real-world data using a built-in secure element, similar to the chips in your smartphone to manage FaceID/fingerprints and crypto hardware wallets to manage private keys. This signed data is hashed to the blockchain for provenance, almost like an “on-chain birth certificate”, which allows anyone to verify its authenticity. It’s an entirely new standard for trust — trusted data from trusted devices to feed trusted applications.

Check out the Pebble Tracker website, use case overview, and Idea-Thon results. Buy Pebble via CrowdSupply